New Year. Clean Slate.

New year sign

It's time to bid farewell to the year that's been and look forward to a year that is yet to be written.

Are your feet tired from all the pivoting you've had to do? Are your shoulders feeling the strain of the extra loads you've had to carry? If so, know that you are not alone.

Acknowledging the roller-coaster in the room

Trying to hold it all together while managing the ongoing roller coaster ride that has characterised this pandemic for the past 22 months has taken a toll on our nervous systems. So, if you've found yourself more on edge or short-tempered than usual, it's not surprising. In fact, it would be surprising if you weren't!

What feeds your soul?

This holiday season, I hope that you’ve been able to make time to breathe a little more deeply and fully. I hope that you’re holding close those who mean the most to you, even if you’ve only been able to do so virtually. And I hope that you still manage to find things to laugh at most days. It’s especially therapeutic if you can share the load with others. And I will be the first to admit that some days, it’s been a fine line between laughter and tears.

A wish for light

My wish for you and yours is a time of hope and rebirth. Because there is always light to be found even in the darkest storms. Reach out and call a friend, listen to music that touches your heart or listen to a podcast that inspires you. Maybe the company of a good book or a run around the block suits you better. You don’t need to pretend that you can do it all on your own. Whatever feeds and nourishes your soul, I wish it for you.

Here's to a new year that's filled with meaning, purpose and contentment. And living a year that is yours to write.


Being True To Yourself


A Remembrance of Things Past