Reflections at the Mid-Century Mark


Today is International Women's Day. Exactly two years ago, I wrote an email that was broadcast to over 700 accounts which left me a shaking, shivering ball of nerves. Up to that point, I'd never written publicly with such passion and from such a deep, vulnerable place. It was a strange contradiction driven by a deep need for survival and a powerful urge to remain hidden.

On Becoming

Little did I know that March 8, 2021 was the beginning of what I now see as my becoming. My evolution into a woman who finally feels empowered to take charge of her life now that I've turned 50.

Firing Up Courage

Ultimately, this email is about having the courage to live a life that is of our own making, instead of living one that is designed and defined for us.

It's time to draw on our reserves of courage to:

  • go deep within to unearth the real core of who we are

  • give ourselves permission to have big, bold, ambitious dreams

  • give ourselves grace for our missteps and failures

  • acknowledge our own needs

  • claim our right to take up space in the world and to be heard

  • choose vulnerability and nonconformity over self-betrayal

  • be willing to leap into the unknown

Flipping the Coin

Vulnerability is the other side of courage. To be vulnerable is to dance with risk and uncertainty which lie at the heart of courage. By doing so, we have to be willing to allow ourselves to be known and seen. This is what a deepening journey of self-awareness and resilience makes possible. And empowerment is the reward.

An Anthem on International Women's Day

It's time to stop praising girls for good behaviour, how smart or talented they are and their appearance. Encourage them to trust in themselves instead of looking externally for validation. Cheer them on when they step outside their comfort zones, when they speak up for themselves or others and when they dare to take on challenges that ask more of them. Help them develop healthy responses to failure by acknowledging them and seeing them as opportunities to spur growth. Remind them that making mistakes is inevitable and a normal part of learning. And both girls and boys need to be encouraged to embrace the full complexity of their emotional lives so that they can use the power of compassion to build bridges of connection.

This is my anthem, my cry, for each of us to have the courage to live the life that only we can live.


A Breath of Fresh Air


A Season of Light and Hope