As the World Turns

Planet Earth from space

Image by NASA

I was planning on releasing news this month of what Thrive has been working on for the coming year but global events have prompted me to put that off until April. I feel that it would be remiss of me to be silent on the topic of how our world has unfolded this past month.

Swimming in calmer waters

Lately, I've been finding solace in listening to voices that are compassionate, wise and thoughtful. They are voices that speak to the beauty of life while acknowledging the anguish that sometimes comes with being a human being living in this world at this time. They bring me hope that it is possible to find more ways to build bridges of connection, peace and love. Instead of throwing my hands up in despair and asking Why are these terrible things happening?, I'm daring to ask What can I do to shape my world to be the kind of world I want to live in?

Making sense of things

I know that as a parent, you may have found it difficult to help your child make sense of our world when you yourself may be struggling to come to terms with it. And so at the bottom of this email, I offer up several resources that have brought me comfort and light in these troubled times. I hope that you find them to be a balm for your soul as well.



The World Needs More You


Being True To Yourself